The purpose of the Youth & Family Ministry team in partnership with parents is to make disciples of Jesus through life-shaping faith adventures. Our goal is to equip and support families in raising up youth who live their faith daily.
Family Ministries at SSM follow the 5-4-3 model of Vibrant Faith Ministries* creating a Cross+Generational Ministry.
FIVE PRINCIPLES For Living And Passing On Faith
- Faith is formed by the power of the Holy Spirit through personal, trusted relationships – often in our own homes.
- The church is a living partnership between the ministry of the congregation and the ministry of the home.
- Where Christ is present in faith, the home is church too.
- Faith is caught more than it is taught.
- If we want Christian children and youth, we need Christian adults.
FOUR KEYS For Practicing Faith
- Caring Conversations
- Devotions
- Service
- Rituals and Traditions
- Authentic
- Available
- Affirming
Parents and students have many ways to connect:
Mission Trip ~ serving our neighbors in a community away from home.
Fun & Fellowship ~ Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, Advent Family Event, Bonfire Nights, Bowling Events, Baseball games, and many more fellowship opportunities are offered throughout our church year.
Shepherd’s Corner Library ~ “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 The Bible tells us to ‘study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’ The library is available year-round during service times and open office hours so that you can grow in your knowledge of the word of truth! We have lots of great inspirational books & videos for all ages! Proverbs 2:10 “For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.”
Scholarships Available: Through our partnership with Unity Lutheran Church there is an opportunity to apply for education scholarships for college and other educational endeavors. If you have questions or want to apply please contact Pastor Brian at or 414-421-3543. *Applicants would need to write a 300-word essay on how they have grown in discipleship and leadership.
Opportunities to Serve: Youth at SSM participate in many different service projects throughout our Sunday school year. Some recent projects include: packing lunches for the Milwaukee Street Angels, caroling at senior residences, raising close to 500 pounds of food for a local community center, packing bags full of school supplies, making Valentine’s Day cards for congregation members, and many more to come!
Contact chairperson, Alex Dollar for more information about Youth & Family Ministries
or contact the church office at or 414-421-3543.