Announcements from the February 9th Bulletin
- Food donations for February will benefit the Bay View Community Center. We will be collecting non-perishable food items that are not past their expiration date throughout the month. If you prefer, a monetary donation given to St. Stephen the Martyr and designated for Food Ministries can be made. Your continued support of our food pantry collections is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
- Unity Lutheran Church is looking for a volunteer "team lead" to staff the CommUNITY Meal on the third Wednesday of the month from 5 pm-7 pm. Some of the duties would be to assign volunteers to the serving table, hand out trays, assure that volunteers have a chance to eat, supervise the serving of second helpings, and help distribute any take-out meals if we have leftovers. Feel free to text or call Lynn Rinderle at 414-554-1335 if you are interested in learning more about this opportunity.
- PAGE (People Advocating for Greendale Equity) invites you to a Black History Month Celebration here at SSM on Tuesday, February 25th at 5:30 pm. Included will be student presentations of essays and artwork inspired by Dr. King’s powerful words, along with refreshments, music, and performances by African dancers.
- A Neuroscience Workshop, presented by Rev. Tom Smith of Ridgeview Coaching will be presented at SSM on February 16 at 10:45 am (following worship). Discover empowering practical, science-backed insights to enhance communication, understanding, and empathy within your community/relationships. Depart with tools for nurturing and deepening connections. For more information please see the flyer on the bulletin board between the offices.
Choir and Handbell Rehearsals
Rehearsals begin on Wednesday, September 7. New members are always welcome. Come be a part of these fun, nurturing communities. Questions about either group? Please see Tabitha ( or a current ensemble member.
Benefits of Singing in a Choir
1. Builds Community
2. Relieves Stress
3. Exercises the Brain
4. Improves Breathing, Posture, and Muscle Tension
5. Better Sense of Happiness and Well-Being
6. Be Part of the Music Ministry at SSM