Some Activities and Events Include:
Members share the Good News with each other and the surrounding community to foster in members and guests a sense of welcome and belonging. Our fellowship events are a good opportunity to get to know one another and make new friendships with the body of Christ.
- Sunday a.m. Coffee and Fellowship Hour (Doug Winter, contact person)
- Easter Breakfast
- Lenten Soup Suppers
- Provide transportation to worship for those unable to get to church
- “Loose Ends” – Women of the ELCA group meets for lunch and service projects throughout the year – Join them on the 2nd Wednesday at a restaurant near YOU!
- Piecemaker’s Quilting Group – makes quilts for Lutheran World Relief
- Rally Day “Indoor” Picnic (Sunday School fall kick-off – September)
- Reformation Potluck Supper in October
- Son Shine Committee –greeting card ministry (Carole Ropel, contact person)
- Visit shut-ins and hospitalized members – “Care-Giving Ministry” (Marion Walton-Marotske, contact person)